Friday, December 30, 2011

00 Raiser/Seven Sword

The year is about to end, and 2012 is about to begin. I've finished quite a few kits this year, almost more than last year, but who really keeps track? I'm taking a little break from my Seravee GNHW/3G, and I've started priming an old 1/144 00 Gundam(Seven Sword/Raiser). Last year I bought two 00 Gundam Seven Sword kits, and an 0 Raiser with the idea that the 00 Gundam would look pretty sweet with a bunch of swords, and a ton of hardware strapped to it's back.

My plan isn't really well thought out on this build lol. I'm painting roughly three kits worth of parts, and I haven't really decided how I'm going to incorporate all of them into the final build. There might be some modification here and there, but I'm sure I can get things to work out.

I already have all of the inner frame parts painted, and I just finished painting 3/4 of the blue parts. I decided to paint the blue parts red, so I'm hoping that this guy turns out looking pretty sweet when I get things assembled.

///Update 1

Below I am dumping a large quantity of images. I couldn't figure out a way to modify the parts to incorporate every single sword, and still be able to use the 0 Raiser, so I took a bunch of shots with different weapons and equipment. Enjoy (:

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